Our Services

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Our Service

All In One Inventions Services Include:

Learn more about ALL IN ONE INVENTIONS and how to bring your product to the market. We can turn your idea into a reality! We work with inventors to help design, patent, and license your new invention. Let us help you bring your idea to life!

Design & Development

Design & Development

Designing and developing your idea into a product is the first step towards seeing it realized in the market. Our experienced design teams can help you bring your idea to life using the latest computer design technology available.

Professional Technical Writing

Professional Technical Writing

Our team will explain your invention in the most clear and effective manner possible. Inventions are often complex. The technical writer will analyze the information and present it in a format that is easy to read and understand.

Technical Design Work

Technical Design Work

For patenting and manufacturing purposes, it’s important to have detailed technical designs. Good technical designs will help patent examiners and manufacturers understand your concept.

Logo Design & Branding

Logo Design & Branding

A well designed logo gives your product an identity. Our design team will work with you to create an original logo that represents the product and provides a foundation for future branding efforts.

Patent Protection

Patent Protection

Filing for patent protection is needed to establish your rights to that idea. Patents protect your idea and prevent others from copying, making and selling your idea as their own.

Prototyping & Animation

Prototyping & Animation

Virtual prototypes highlight the main function or use of your invention. By using the latest software, we can demonstrate how your invention will work in a virtual setting before it goes to manufacturers and without investing the time and money required to build physical prototypes.

Market Research & Targeting

Web Marketing Platforms

The Web Marketing Platforms is a fully encrypted marketing webpage used for sharing your invention with companies and manufacturers looking for new inventions to buy or license for royalties. A well organized, clean, and professional presentation will better showcase the value of your invention and enhance your overall chances of success.

Mobile App Development

Mobile App Development

We provide full-service app development from designing, programming, protecting and launching your iOS & Android apps into the stores. We also provide continued support and guidance once your app is launched, to keep you moving in the right direction.

Market Research & Targeting

Market Research & Targeting

Marketing is an essential part of launching a new product idea. You can have the greatest idea in the world, but if it doesn’t reach the right people, it could end up going nowhere. Our team does extensive research to make sure that we’re targeting the right companies & manufacturers.